Genital herpes questions...?
How nontoxic is it for us to enjoy sex if she is not have an outbreak and I use a condom? What percentage destiny do they vote you can contract it if you are using protection.
I am guessing me performing oral sex on her is out of the ask at any time?
I really close to this human being but want us to be capable of enjoy a able-bodied sexual relationship.
Thank you for your give a hand.
“How past the worst is it for us to enjoy sex if she is not have an outbreak and I use a condom?”
Usually during the first year of herpes infection the being may shed the virus in the region of 6-10% of the days when in attendance are no symptoms (asymptomatic shedding). But this number decrease over time. Also condoms are not 100% powerful, they can trim down the risk of nouns by more than 50%.
“I am guessing me performing oral sex on her is out of the press at any time?”
If your partner have genital HSV-2 and you make oral sex on her, nearby is a immensely low risk that you will bring back oral HSV-2. Almost 100% of proverbial HSV-2 infection is genital (Nahmias, Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Supplement, 1990).
Has anyone ever have a interval that LASTS for 2 months?
The TV is bombarded near those commercials that enunciate that you can spread herpes at any time...try some prescription meds.