Genital herpes questions...?

A woman I enjoy be dating purely permit me know she have genital herpes. She have have it for 15 years and have outbreaks give or take a few 2 times a year. Living beside it for so long she really know when she is going on for to enjoy an outbreak, when it is over, etc....
How nontoxic is it for us to enjoy sex if she is not have an outbreak and I use a condom? What percentage destiny do they vote you can contract it if you are using protection.
I am guessing me performing oral sex on her is out of the ask at any time?
I really close to this human being but want us to be capable of enjoy a able-bodied sexual relationship.
Thank you for your give a hand.


I requirement to lose 20 pounds, by August, I perceive close to I call for some support, what roughly speaking you?

“How past the worst is it for us to enjoy sex if she is not have an outbreak and I use a condom?”
Usually during the first year of herpes infection the being may shed the virus in the region of 6-10% of the days when in attendance are no symptoms (asymptomatic shedding). But this number decrease over time. Also condoms are not 100% powerful, they can trim down the risk of nouns by more than 50%.

“I am guessing me performing oral sex on her is out of the press at any time?”
If your partner have genital HSV-2 and you make oral sex on her, nearby is a immensely low risk that you will bring back oral HSV-2. Almost 100% of proverbial HSV-2 infection is genital (Nahmias, Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases Supplement, 1990).

Has anyone ever have a interval that LASTS for 2 months?

The TV is bombarded near those commercials that enunciate that you can spread herpes at any time...try some prescription meds.

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