
A woman is fertile during her ovulation time of year which is appx morning 14 of her menstrual cycle. Does that be going to if you be to hold unprotected sex similar to previously or after that, you can't take pregnant?
I've other thought that you would, but very soon I'm one told different.

So lend a hand me, what's the right answer?


A feminine doctor plz ( or feminine that know how to help)?

You can just win pregnant while ovulating. However, spem can live in your body for up to 72 hours so that desires to be taken into consideration as ably.

Girls onlySeriously!?

semen that have be ejaculate into your vagina can closing 3-5 days...so when you ovulate, your egg is dispatched from the ovary, the fingers on the fallopian tubes draw in the egg and by this time, the semen have reach the fallopian tube where on earth they carry together and form an ovum
so, if you hold unprotected intercourse on hours of daylight 9, the semen could concluding up until that point where on earth your time of year would typically start off...
very soon remember, your length is the result of the succulent endometrium sloughing bad because in that be no fertilized ovum that implanted into the endometrium...
it is dying out, but when your interval starts, it will not stop, but nearby have be a few reported cases where on earth the spell started, implantation occur and the time of year stopped and pregnancy begin...
in a minute, the 14 days is just angelic if your cycle is 28 days..if your cycle is 30 days, it would be day 15...if you enjoy an irregular cycle...virtuous luck

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If you are have sex and not using any contraceptives, This is VERY IMPORTANT to you!! PEOPLE consieve while a woman is ovulating. Woman ovaluate USUALLY 14 days from the first day of their spell, BUT NOT ALWAYS! In my time, trying to own sex "at the right time" be call crude child protection or something close to that. I know profusely going on for it after, have done research. mortal 17 I thought I know everything. My daughter is 42 that I give birth to when I be 17 years old-fashioned. This method doesn't other work. I be extremely regular, but I didn't know that sperm could stay alive up to 5 days, especially manly sperm and that an ovary egg can be fertilized for days. It vary contained by respectively individual. In this climate in to days world, I honestly suppose you necessitate to protect yourself from pregnancy as very well as a SUV. There is simply to tons different incurable sexual diseases. Do your research and insist on protection for yourself.

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