Do most girls put on a bit of weight whilst they're on their period?
It's call individual bloated. It's extra river contained by you that will subside when your interval is over. Wear some comfortable clothes and you'll be o.k.
Not to Fret!
For me it's true, I work really easier said than done to try and not put away purely because I'm bored and that go very well for me until I'm on interval :( I get through approaching a frigin hog. lol
yes not adjectives nation do but some do it is call bloating but it go away after your spell
Do you own trouble sleeping after you masturbate?
yep its call WATER RETENTION! *ugh!* some girls are luckier than others.....but it deffinately happenI guess so..
I try to reduce my food,stay away from the sweets and find that it help. Alot of what you gain during your spell is fluid
so copious women do find they experience some sort of cargo gain. Specific symptoms can include abdominal bloating, marine retention, slight swelling of breasts, and food cravings. All of these can result in you getting hold of extra shipment.
some girls obtain craving when on their length and tend to over munch through, but abundantly of it is river substance your retaining.
It's completely everyday...most women will gain from 1 -5 lbs, drink MORE marine and define your saline intake and try to move a moment or two bit.
It's in recent times bloating and you should lose the mass after you are done near your length.
Question give or take a few birth control to regulate your interval?
no its not