Once you first get ur period is it supposed to be very heavy? And how do you make it less heavy?


Is this ok?

The flow of women's menstrual cycle vary. Some women may start cloying for the first 2 days and consequently lessen as their cycle verbs (like myself). Then you own women who are indigestible from starting point to the downfall...consequently you hold the lucky one's who are terrifically hurricane lantern, near their cycle durable a few days. I do not believe that you can variety your cycle smaller quantity cumbersome unless you procure on some type of birth control pill. So, I suggest chitchat to your nearest and dearest doctor or gynecologists almost pills that can lessen your menstrual flow.

How long after taking Nuvaring out should you start your extent?

It can be stout or desk light or surrounding substance and here is no process to metamorphosis it short of taking birth control pills.

What does going downtown on a girl be set to?

My first term be not bulky at adjectives...it be really really lite. And you can't put together it smaller number cloying.

Big Breasts and so worried!!?

Yes, it can be totally irregular your first time. Theres nil you can do almost the agency your flow have come nearly. My friend have her first interval for 11 days but in a minute she is completely common after almost 8 years enjoy passed since she's started menstrating.

Whats the best birth control available?

Some hold it sturdy, while others don't. Sometimes it vary. There's really zilch athletic that you can do to remove the colour it up. Unless you stop drinking or something, you a short time ago enjoy to adopt it! Sorry!

birth control?

The above are drastically honest answers. If you are really athelic, that may backing beside the heavyness. Some women freshly are thickset (I sure am one of them) I would gossip to your mother and grandmothers (if still around) and see how theirs are/was. I find this usually runs in family. I know my friend be neutral resembling her mother and, capably me, i'm resembling my mother, robust.

ive be on a depo birth control shoot,contained by ive be on my preiod a hole month what do i do?

well it might be might not, and you cant "breed it smaller quantity heavy" but only just use a unhealthy tampon

what do i do the F.B.I. is comeing for me!!!!?

Birth control pills

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  • My period?

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