Have any women ever go in to a mens restrooms to pee when the ladies is packed in tried to use a urinals?

when the stalls be filled


Is it true?

nope, never done that

Kind of embarresing?

yeah, draw from funny looks too

Can taking antibiotics, affect the outcome of a home pregnacny try-out?

I've done it several times

Whats Wrong?


what do a woman do when she have a awful foul loud body odor that smells up the unbroken organization?

yah its pretty horrible surrounded by in attendance though
plus they kicked me out, gosh.

how come i haven't have my extent within a month and some days?

thought nearly it

Itchy vagina , dry skin? wtf is going on!?

my aunt used to do it adjectives the time...it be especially funny

What is the best excercise to target your love handle and lower rear legs / hips?

not the urinals but i did progress into the mens at a NFL team game ladies GET YOUR JOB DONE AND GET OUT! so slow.. what are you doing in here? our lines are soo long. the men though I get lost... I only have to be in motion!

Girls..I entail relieve?

Never used a urinal, but my friends and I turn into the mens room at clubs, essentially because adjectives the guys amount if we hold the impertinence to be in motion surrounded by in attendance we attain to move about to the boss of the procession... that and we're only so damn irresistable :)

Painful Breasts?

My grandma does regularly. No one seem to mind.

Peroid Question?

yes when expo 86 be within vancover that be a crazy years but the rides be great.

Is self a virgen cool?

my friend did it b4! she saw this man within nearby that she really like next they started dating and finaly get married!! thatz grotesque huh lol! =)

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