Please help!?

I hold a fairly embarassing problem that I would really appreciate some help out next to! I hold become slightly engrossed near a married womanly collegue at work who I enjoy loved for approximatly 9 years very soon. It have shift to the point where on earth I sometimes sniff her stool if the department is uniform and I enjoy even stolen two of her jacket and a tissue she once used to wipe her snout. I hold followed her into the ladies bathroom to listen to her urinate, and recurrently spit within her cup when making coffee. I once even masturbated into her pouch, and after blamed another mannish collegue when she discovered this sticky evidence! How do I cure this love? Would it comfort to confront her within a shade alleyway and explain the situation? I would do anything for simply one touch of her vagina.


I own a sport bra, but I'm to twitchy to ask my mom for a regular one. what should i do?


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if this is a true put somebody through the mill which i do not believe that it is but of late incase wish mental assistance specifically disgusting to do that in someones daypack and NO! do not follow her anywhere give the poor girl alone if you get the impression the want to notify her your sense confront her surrounded by a public place and be honest beside her just about what you own done and expect her to turn you down and bestow you illustrious and dry

What are the potential cause for one 3 weeks slow on your length besides pregnancy?

Holy $hit. Are you kid me? Your a damn freak. Get backing...NOW. Your disgusting, you listen to her help yourself to a $hit? Are you insane. I am very soon worried of the world, you call for professional assist. And that complete vagina entity, your a pervert.

please assistance!?

pervert you should walk to prison you are a sick freak!!!!!!!!!...

Is this true?

If you are serious (which somehow I doubt...I hope), you obligation to desire psychiatric "institutionalizing"! That is not fixation. That is repulsive and insane.

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EW U PERV!!! im sorry but you must hold mental issues walk off the poor girl ALONE! ugh ur a SIIICCKOOOO

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I really hope this is a short time ago a really sick jape, it's not funny, you basically want to take profoundly of angry responses, wow you must really entail seriously of attention, sorry around your mental condition issues

headache after sex?

That is perverted! You are sexually harrasing her, in a attitude of speaking. Get assistance

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you want psychotherapy, my friend.

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