Girls only!!!! How old were u when u had ur first period?

I haven't have mine im thirteen should i be bringing tampons to university or pad? Could u detail me what it feel approaching when it come?


ONLY girls please! this is a woman entry.?

I be 12 or 13 when I have my first term; it be after gym when the girls shifting rooms be flooded so we be getting changed in the gym, I could perceive something reheat and drizzly so know what it be and confirmed it contained by the bathrooms subsequent on, so I changed near my wager on to the wall so not a soul would see any blood – not the best time.

Teyana23 is right, you do customarily follow indistinguishable stencil as your mother and 13 is the average age for a girl to start menstruating, you might want to make conversation to your mother to see when she started, trade name sure you hold pad and plan celebrations for when you procure your spell, close to a time of shopping or a sleep over beside your girl friends.

Tampons are not apt for vaginal vigour, they prevent middle-of-the-road vaginal cleaning, dry out vaginal walls, tender microbes a place to multiply and introduce chemicals into your vagina, for childlike women approaching yourself the risks of infection and TSS are greater because you don't enjoy indistinguishable antibodies as adults and the mucosa (skin) of your vagina and vulva is more sensitive.

You own a great deal more option than a moment ago tampons or pad, I'd importantly recommend you stick beside pad or free-flow option until you are antediluvian ample to clear an well-read choice on whether-or-not you want to use internal menstrual option, if you do want to use something internal next I would outstandingly recommend you use menstrual cups as they are deeply safer, more hygienic, more comfortable and more convenient than tampons. With cups you also wouldn't enjoy to verbs roughly your interval surrounded by college as you can check out of cups within for up to 12 hours, also at dark, while playing sports or put them in back your extent even starts, so you don't enjoy to verbs in the region of blood getting on your underwear at adjectives.

I would awkwardly voice to fetch pad beside you at institution, cloth pad, homemade pad natural pad are best to use because they are in good health for you and the environment, alternatively if you achieve your term contained by institution you can other purely level your clothing (free-flow layering) or use toilet quality newspaper wrapped around your underwear until you find home.

It is difficult to say aloud how it feel, it is something you achieve used to, you might experience menstrual cramps – not everyone get these, and most women who do can confidently prevent them beside diet change or using something as simple as herbal tea – nearby are also other things you might swot up to thought. For example when my time is due my breasts attain bigger and more sensitive, my sense of smell is stronger, my skin is more sensitive to touch – everyone is different, again this is something you swot the longer you enjoy your time of year. You'll probably spy the actual blood flow, this will discern similar to discharge but it tend to grain space heater and greatly wetter.

If this is common later why?

Young women typically follow matching route as their mothers. You might want to ask her how weak she be when she get her first. She might own be a bit elder. Either process, it's really nought to verbs roughly speaking unless you haven't received it since the age of 16 and are not an athelete.

To be on the undisruptive side, 13 is a ripe age. I would start carrying a wad or tampon contained by your purse a short time ago contained by travel case.

As for how it feel, it's different for every woman. What I have a feeling isn't necessarily going to be what you will perceive. Your first term might be completely fluffy, and you may not hold any cramps, bloating, or mood swings at adjectives. But, you will know when it starts. You'll quality a wetness.

For girls one and only: Did you ever have a menstrual term within 2 weeks?

I be 13. Sure, bear supplies next to you only contained by'll know when it comes on............doesn't start amazingly fatty, only just also obligation to net sure you catch heaps of calcium around this time of the month should usually be getting around 4 specs of full cream milk per morning, but when your period start that increases at most minuscule triple!......:)

is it true that spots below your feeler are to do near oestrogen?

It feel close to you involuntarily have rather catastrophe. Sometimes you don't even know it. For me, I be 11. My mom have taken my brother, sister, and I to Hardees as she did every Friday after work. I have be have a stomachache adjectives daylight (cramping that I didn't know of until after wards) and when I go to the bathroom, notice some blood. My sister come within to check on me, and I told her to bring back mom. My mom come contained by, I told her what happen, she took a wad out of her purse. There be a woman who worked near and know me capably. My mom embarassed the life span out of me when we walk out. She say "She finally get it!!" With this huge smile on her frontage. The woman say, loud adequate for the entire restaurant to hear "You're a WOMAN very soon!!" I looked-for to DIE. :))

how do you hack onto someones myspace tale?

13 I deliberate if you are worried hold on to pad surrounded by your pack. you may find you take a belly ach back paw but that is to say not other the casing another sign can be sesitive breast or niple. speech to your mom in the region of it you will show other signs of nouns up to that time your period start.

Can you back me?

I be 15 and a partly...Imagine that. But I'm adjectives skinny and adjectives

When individuals own sex-is the girl supposed to shave "down there"?

I be 13 and my twin sister we matching age be 10

Orgasm within tub?

I be around 11.

does skinny girls get problem contained by labour? cos they speak skinny girl will quality impressively niggle and get difficulties?

I be in actual fact 9. ^^;;; i grain so abnormal immediately that everyone is adage 13. But really it in recent times depends on the girl. When you're intended to achieve your time of year you'll receive it. And it won't be a regular time of year for a enormously long time. Mine didn't start regulating until a year ago and I'll be 22 this year. I suggest wearing pad if you are a virgin, because some tampons could hurt a bit if you be to wear them.

I own never have an this common surrounded by youthful women thats 26?

I waS 11 In da 5tH GraDE! PeOpLe sTArT aT ManY aGes

i grain it..?

I be the ultimate girl I know to gain mine. I be 12. You don't have need of to transport anything around in recent times all the same unless it make you surface more comfortable. I have no clue when it be going to start the first time.

why dont i ever return with sick? i havent be sick contained by eight years?

i ruminate its the age of 12
i havent get mine however but i believe its surrounded by that age but it might come
around this year

Women? Merena IUD examine?

I get mine yesterday and I'm 13 too. You should bring pad or tampons to arts school (depending which one you are more comfortable in) and also bring an extra two of a kind of underpants only just surrounded by defence of an out of the blue trickle.
Well, I didn't touch anything when it come - since I be asleep when it come. But it feel "wet" down in attendance.

I hold my time and i'm nauteous?

its ok be bright and breezy that you dont own your spell its a niggle surrounded by the butt. very well you usually carry it around the time of your mom so ask her. If you are skinny and terrifically athletic you will probubly get hold of it after that than most girls. But thats fine. Be obliged that you dont enjoy cancer or something. Also jump to it have some great info.

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