What do you think of the menstrual cups as opposed to ..........?

the other ways close to tampons and pad or what enjoy you. serious answers merely please.



I've used a Mooncup for four years presently; I enjoy also used Instead [softcups] and used my diaphragm as a menstrual cup. I LOVE MY MENSTRUAL CUP - as do most women I know!

Mooncup - http://www.mooncup.co.uk
Silicone bell-shaped menstrual cup, they are similar to the Divacup or Lunette but a touch smaller width-wise and a bit more flexible.

I used to use commercial tampons and commercial pad for years, I be so brawny I'd enjoy to transmute both every hour, very soon I hold a IUD my time is twice as solid so if it be not for a menstrual cup I'd probably not be capable of go away the house while I am on my spell because I am of late too unwieldy for tampons and pad, or any other option for that issue.

They are far more comfortable than tampons and pad, they also don't add on to term pains as tampons do, and they are deeply more convenient because you with the sole purpose obligation to buy one to finishing ten years. You scarcely ever call for to not taken it and when I do clean it I merely do it surrounded by the shower when I come home at darkness and afterwards put them vertebrae within as they can be worn at darkness. Far smaller quantity messy than tampons and pad and you don't hold to verbs just about have to renovation contained by public or find a bin to dispose of them, you can also wear them since your time is due to avoid anyone caught short anything when your time of year starts.

The best piece for me be that because unlike tampons menstrual cups are hygienic and not detrimental it finances that I don't own to verbs just about TSS or infections, rear legs when I be using tampons and pad I have constant vaginal infections, the doctors lately put it down to me human being the type of women to other own infections. As soon as I started using a menstrual cup the infections stopped, and I own not have a single infection the unharmed four years I've be using a menstrual cup.

I also love that you can trust the companies, perchance not so much the companies astern the Keeper, but Divacup, Mooncup, Lunette, and Instead for sure, and adjectives are far more trustworthy than commercial tampon companies next to their history and current dishonourable practices that risk women's lives. They volunteer money vertebrae guarantees so if you don't similar to them you can procure your money subsidise too, I hold even so to assemble anyone who have done this but thousands of women who own loved their menstrual cups – I fiction, I did distribute my first cup hindmost, but with the sole purpose because I broke it and they be nice ample to grant me a free replacement :o)

I cogitate it is a shame that like mad of individuals instantly assume when you speak 'menstrual cups' that you be determined softcups approaching Instead, because in that is a HUGE difference between softcups and conventional menstrual cups. I've tried both and would say aloud that softcups are messy, most relations I know go form softcups to menstrual cups and agree at hand is a huge difference as softcups percolate for heaps women and can be awkward to put surrounded by, I'll single use softcups or a diaphragm as a menstrual cup if I am planning to hold penetrative sex.

I own be diagnosed next to PCOS and I necessitate to find a specialist in my nouns.?

I contemplate they could be potentially slightly messy and would take home a funny bulky shape surrounded by our knickers.

HEY everybody i requirement your oblige!?

I used them for a while several years ago. I stopped because they be messy to insert and remove, I still have to wear a wad and they're really expensive.

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dont resembling the thought of them, but havent tried them. infer you'll find it difficult to find lots population that enjoy!!

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They are the most comfortable to me. You shouldn't use them on really cloying days, they be messy at first but when you swot how to achieve them out they are the best. I really find them to be the best and most comfortable mode. Pads.. are only no. Diapers arent for me i never use them. Tampons are great but sometimes they are newly down right uncomfty. I hope we're chitchat give or take a few impossible to tell apart piece lol. The cup close to flexible piece you put within your vagina? I used ones that be call Instead.

Specific-Hour Insomnia - what's going on?

I intuitively haven't used them, but I have a friend who is a nurse.
She and adjectives of her co-workers use them. They adjectives influence they resembling them approach better than any other products they hold used.

Is this Normal?

i dont similar to the nouns of them at adjectives

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My wife bought one of these, used it once and threw it away. She said it be discomfited and reasonably messy.

If I use a tampon, will first-time sex hurt?

Insteads (I meditate Target have them) are awesome! Once you've used them a time or two, here is no concern almost mess at adjectives. They're really confident to use and lately as sanitary except moreso than tampons (and unequivocally moreso than pads). Something I find to be really nice nearly them is how powerfully they work when I exercise/run as defiant a tampon.

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I love 'em, I wouldn't turn subsidise to tampons if you remunerated me!

Cups are so much improved and cleaner plus much better for the environment. I've hold my divacup for a while immediately and I still love using it because you can totally forget in the region of have a term as you cant quality them at adjectives and just ever enjoy to verbs give or take a few empty...ive gotten adjectives my girl friends to use them and they adjectives love theirs too! :oD

Okay, what comes subsequent?

Only on my first time of year using it be my cup messy to insert or remove. I prefer them over disposable tampons and pad. I resembling my cup because it doesn't dry me out. I can insert it in the past my length starts. You can sterilise them. It's made of soft medical echelon silicone that doesn't support bacterial growth.

Pads that are made of cloth I love like mad. They are confident to verbs and are super comfy.

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