Strange Bumps?

I have somewhat clear skin, a short time ago a few pimples here and there, but on my trunk, there are these tiny pimple-like bumps that I can't grasp rid of, no matter how much I wipe up my face near cleansing formulas. If I squeeze one, this white pus comes out, but the skin on and around that little bump turns all bruised, and it looks approaching I rubbed charcoal or something on my nose. What is it, and what can I do nearly it?

No stupid or demeaning answers, please.


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Yeah. It sounds to me like you hold blackheads. If you don't have the money or time to progress to a dermatoligist, I reccomend trying this. Use a facial cleanser made for oily skin, since blackheads are created by a colloquial oil from your skin, and afterwards apply an astringent. Then apply a facial cream that's treated with resorcinol, salicylic sour or benzoyl peroxide. I use something that's clean and clearn and surrounded by a small silver bottle, not 100% sure on the name. If this leaves your skin dry, skulk for ten minutes to apply a facial moisturizer.

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Sounds like black head. I would go to a dermatologist and they will contribute you medicene for your face. I enjoy pimples and acne but are going away thanks to my derm!

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You should get a referral from your doctor to a dermatologist if he can't relay you what it is. The dermatologist is a specialist in this nouns and can probably diagnose and treat it quicker and more efficiently. You don't know if they are blackheads, so don't squeeze them. You can be doing more defile beneath the skin than you realize.

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