Breast Lump! plz back!?

has anyone with ample fibroadenoma (benign breast lump) had surgery to remove it? pls facilitate coz i want to know if it causes disfigurement of the breast. whatz the most minuscule invasive procedure & whats the best hospital in s'pore to get it done? im really worried, pls comfort.


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I enjoy had a core biopsy essential my nipple with no scarring, and I own had a benign lump removed from the side of one breast, but more toward my armpit. There is with the sole purpose a very small blotch, and no disfigurement. I guess it would depend on how large of a lump they are removing, and where on earth it is located on the breast. You will have to own surgery to remove it, you will be a little sore, but nil major. Sorry I am from US, and don't know of a hospital for you.

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It would be my assessment of this situation that anything that a person have removed would obviously lead to scarring. If it's a lump in the breast tissue and then you remove the "lump" my assessment of the situation would be "yes" you may hold a "pit" there...but they could re-arrange the flab tissue in your breast to teem in the pit...

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I worked in the medical field for thirteen years. Science have come along way next to the procedures used to for removing breast lumps. If this lump is bothersome or obvious you can enjoy it surgically removed. However, some times your health thoroughness provider may want to do nothing more than hold a close eye on it. I feel i.e. every individuals option and if I be the least bit concerned I would enjoy it removed benign or not. It could lead to something more serious down the road. If you enjoy a experienced surgeon you should have no problems near disfigurement or a major definite surgical site. I would recommend going to a breast center. They are all over the country. Find the closet breast center to you and grasp an opinion. This is what they do everyday and is they're expertise. I dont know how close you are to Tennesse but they enjoy an excellent one in Knoxville Tenn. Best of luck!

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I have a fibroadenoma the size of a golf ball, it be painful so I have it removed. It was done underneath local anesthetic, and not painful until after the local wore stale. (and then I get some pain meds) I enjoy a scar just about two inches long that you can only see when I wear a bikini, but Im not "disfigured" Dont be worried- it be over and done with so efficiently, I dont ever even think roughly it.

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