Help me next to this ttc issue?

I chart my temps,I started bleeding last dark at 1030, My temp so far has not dripped below the CL and I hold been have intermittent sharp shooting pains in my lower right abdomen - you know where on earth the pelvic joint, more or less an inch or so in from there. It really is buckling when it happen. only 4 times so far. Dad say appendicitis IF the intermittent turns to constant. I am confused. I am somewhat sure I am experiencing AF visit, John is not so sure since my bleed time have pretty much stopped. Hew thinks I should enjoy the blood test anyway to rule out ectopic or a pregnancy my body is not recognize, I told him to wait for another temp contained by the AM and go from nearby. Mom says I stipulation to go to the ER nearly the pains but all those a-holes will do is transmit me it's a bladder infection because they aren't intelligent enough to check for anything else, lol! I dunno what you chew over?


What is the point in white discharge?

Since you don't have a warmth you just may not hold an infection. Any pain you own that makes you double over is NOT average. You should go to the ER and they will run more test in the nouns that is artificial. You know something isn't right or else you wouldn't be asking for minister to. I hope it's not serious for you, but go only in grip.

Frenchs and pubic hair?

Kind of thinking that this might be an ER call in or at least a gyne drop by and soon. No ER folks I know would dismiss ANY rl quadrant pain especially since it seem serious when it happens. And yes, it may be zilch but wouldn't you rather know?

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