I wear Nuva Ring and freshly started my rag 5 days precipitate... WHY?

I've been using the Nuva ring for a year and a partly. I take the ring out on a Sunday and start my time of year Tuesday afternoon - consistently, month after month.

I just started my napkin today, Thursday, 5 days earlier than I enjoy in a year and a partially. Why?

Looking for any answers you've got base on education, experience near Nuva Ring, etc..

Do I take it out immediately or leave it contained by until Sunday when I'm supposed to take it out?


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Is it red blood? Normal flow? The root I am asking is that I get brownish blood occasionally a couple days past I take the ring out and it is because I enjoy ovarian cysts. My dr. said they are not a big deal unless they are really big or I enjoy pain. Leave the ring in until Sunday and nick it out as you normally would. Good Luck!

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