An Embarrasing Question roughly Sex and Guys? Please, please Help?

I'm a virgin and I intend to stay that way until I'm married...the furthest I've gone is 'dry-humping' with my clothes still on beside my fiance, It was with the sole purpose one time...but I find it extremely pleasurable, and pleasearuble enough for in a minute, but I've heard that men really abhor it and find it frustrating? my fiance had trouble controlling himself and I feel sorry about have to push him off? He is extremely good judgment though...we might have to hang around about a year in the past we marry, and he shares the same principles as I do. But presently I want to do it again and I was hoping this would be a great alternative to actual sex while we're waiting to tie the confuse :( is this going to make him suffer or hurt within any way?


HELP! i have itching and vaginal discharge and persistent cough. i did not steal treatment for three months.?

Firstly. awesome about person a virgin! Not many woman can speak that before man married, so I applaud you on that. If you are 'dry humping' alot, you can make the tip of his penis sore. as when he get arroused, and his pants rub him, it will almost be approaching a carpet burn. so every once within a while is ok... just dont do it for a especially long time, or he will become sore.

Have you thought about foreplay? Maybe after he get excited you can give him a handjob so he 'finishes' minus having intercourse. of late a thought.

And as far as the pap smear... is this to verify you are still a virgin? Women should get a papsmear on a twelve-monthly basis for your own strength.

Good Luck... and congrats on the engagement!

Which is safer and easier, a tubal ligation or vasectomy?

Sure it is hurting him, you are just repartee him and that is really frustrating. Once a man gets started he does not want to stop till it's over , if you know what I penny-pinching.At least afford in to a mitt job or something damn.

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yes you'll still hold to have a pap smear because you could hold adnormal cells. And I dont know if you really want to construct him suffer reason why is if you kept doing that He might truly get alittle to healthy and wouldnt be able to control himself if he cant release himself. Once your thankful it hurts if you cant let run! though you could Just try giving oral or something cause thats not exacly sex. though angelic luck and i hope you have a nice duration together

I have a red unwary in my vaginal nouns, what is this?

My boyfriend and I are also waiting until we're married to have sex, and are also looking to seize married in more or less a year - so I definitely construe your frustrations. Arousal for guys and girls is very different - I own had to stop him, too, and he have never said anything about it mortal painful, but frustrating because we can't be in motion further - can't finish the job i guess. I'm sure it's frustrating because it's close to lighting a candle when you're not prepared to start a fire. I think the single way it will produce him suffer is doing something to your relationship - it is pushing the limits of the boundaries you've set for yourselves and you may not be emotionally strong plenty to push him off as you seize deeper into sexual activities similar to this. My boyfriend and I have have to be extra careful near how far we allow ourselves to go contained by order to maintain our principles. Oh and to address your second question - my doctor have told me that a papsmear should be done about one year after you are sexually live, and she actually told me to hang around until after i have have sex because otherwise it may be really painful.

Before Summer.?

Answer to first interview you shoulded even have started that consent to me guess it was his belief dont do it again he'll get over it, because pretty soon it is'nt going to be plenty even thow he tell you it is describe him to jack off thats what boys do who cant find girls. answer to 2nd it depends how old are you if over 25- 30 consequently yes.

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Well, if you both grain the same bearing about waiting to hold sex than I am sure he isn't being hurt. It isn't choice #1 for him most possible but that's ok. You are helping him keep a promise he made to himself as resourcefully as you keeping the promise you made to your self. And, if he loves you it really shouldn't bother him much.

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That's pretty funny how you two are torturing each other because of a piece of quality newspaper. But hey, whatever floats your boats. And yeah, at your age you should be getting pap smears anyway to check for irregular cells and problems which can come even if you haven't have sex.

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NO - its NOT hurting him. pap smears are often lately a part of the routine check up - so they will probably do one when/if you do bring a check up.

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Hi i would say the best item for you and your boyfriend, is to just try touching, that path you can still pleasure each other, to completion !

I would say-so that is the best compromise for you both, if that does'nt suit, consequently try not to tease him, as can head to acute frustration!

Good luck !

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