Is it possible for a woman .?

A married woman on her mid 20's to concieve a baby if she have heart and kidney problem. She's also working in an electronic factory ?


Is abortion alright if you're only bloodbath a fetus or a baby or doesn`t matter what?

It is definently possible. They will classify her as "High Risk" pregnancy. I have seizure and strokes and have a 5 yr outmoded daughter and currently 13 weeks pregnant. I would definently consult a doctor because becoming pregnant with her condition issues may be risky as pregnancy will put strain and stress especially on those organs. So depending on her illness will relay you the pros and cons of becoming pregnant, but in my opinion near the proper prenatal care and vitamins and such it should be alright. Good luck and thieve care. I hope I be of some help.

I'm going mental because of my problem?

yes, it's possible

Regarding pap oral exam! please help?



She can probably conceive, but it might be a riskier pregnancy due to her form and work environment.

If Guys ejaculation is called Semen. Then what is Ladies ejaculation call?

yes it is=check it out with your Dr as what you can and can't do =good luck

Is it okay to.(WOMEN)?

It may not be the healthiest item for her, but yes it's possible. Heart and kidney problems don't keep a woman from conceiving.

MIRENA COIL-yes or no??

It could crop up. She should check with her doctor if she will be ok next to her heart and kidney problem before she have unprotected sex.

Would he have sex next to me?

She should talk to her doctor first, and later if the doctor approves then she should try and find a career that she can either do from home or be capable of sit down and do.

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