Women or girls with interval experience.?

I'm not quite sure if i get my period because, the discharge or blood is brown. I read contained by a book that the blood could be brown but, I'm not sure. I feel unnatural talking to my mom around it too. It also has a buoyant watery smell. Help!!


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yeah its sounds like the start of ur term, sometimes it can be brown its fine, and u shouldn't feel strange talkin to your mom she's a girl too she knows how it is

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that what your mom for hun pls speak to her she a woman tooo ///

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yeah its ur period CONGRATS!
dont be shy beside ur mom!
she is there for u!
i feel wierd telling my mom as capably, but everything turned out great and now we r the best of friends.

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remember your mom be your age once! talk to her!! she's probably the one thats gonna hold to buy you the supplies.. so get conversation! :)

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It no problem does sound approaching you've gotten your period. Don't have a feeling weird in the order of talking to your mom around it. She's gone through the same piece you are. I'm sure she'll be understanding. :)

Using tampons?

it probably is and u should really make conversation to ur mom about it

Dark brown discharge?

yeah you enjoy it

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