Any support problems after receiveing an Epidural?

I have the worst fund pain, is it from my bygone epidural?


Does anyone know anything about the Alesse BCP?

I guess I get lucky as I had an Epidural near my last one and a spinal beside the first one. Never had any posterior trouble.

The only article they told me when I was first getting it be to not try to sit up or I would have a pave the way ache that wouldn't want to stop. That be all approaching back within 80 and 84 when I had my kids. No problems here.

Cervical dysplasia removed and next come back?

Ask a Doctor!

What does it meen when someone make the peace sign and brings their tongue through?

I didn't have any stomach-ache from the Epidural. But my boyfriends mom had a spinal touch, and they did something wrong which caused her subsidise pain. You may want to consult your physician

Do most females want us males to look at their breasts?

Yes it can be average to have put a bet on pain. However, it you are getting headache, are sweating or throwing up as well afterwards you need to see your doctor or be in motion to the ER right away. I have have both an epidural and a spinal and both of them caused my final to hurt for about 2 weeks. I also have a very minor headache next to my spinal but everything was ok. But if you do hold any of those symptoms, especially if they are severe, then you obligation to see a professional right away.

Hope this helps.

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