My 68 year old mother lately found out she needs a knees replacement. She is severely knock kneed. will this make

a difference? She is really confused.


Womans question with the sole purpose!! ps relii need facilitate?

my boss has have both knees replaced. he was a parajumper surrounded by the airforce in his younger years, he is immediately close to 65 and he has gone from individual knock kneed to walking straight, even jumping and have no pain. it took his right knees to heal longer as it be his predominant one and they did that first but he is very glowing and enjoys better rounds of golf! appropriate luck toyour mother, her quality of existence cna be greatly increased!

Is it normal for woman to hold a yellow discharge?


Period Question?

yes it probably will. GOOD LUCK!

oh yea: possibly u should go get together with the docotor by youself so u can catch all the facts straight and relief ur mother with any question she has. this is what my dad and mom enjoy to do with both my grandmothers!

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