How does switching from Depo Provera to Nuva Ring affect period?
I granted after the 12 weeks to switch to the Nuva Ring, and I just took the ring out Friday after noontime. Now it's Monday night, and although I hold cramps, I haven't gotten my period all the same.
Is it possible that my body is still getting used to the switch, and I should just bequeath myself more time, or should I take a pregnancy assessment? I've been on birth control (Depo and immediately Nuva Ring) since January (with no breaks), so I assume I'm fine, but I just needed to know what everyone else thought.
Anyone with equal experience?
Are you not supposed to be "spotting" upon a visit to the gyno?
I'm on NuvaRing and when I steal my ring out on Saturdays, I don't start my period until Wednesday (usually the evening). Give it another day or two and after take a pregnancy oral exam just to reduce your mind, because I doubt that you're pregnant, it's probably just your body adjust.
I've definitely hear that it takes a while for your body to carry back to average after getting off the shot (even though I've never used it), and since you switched from a high-dose birth control to a much lower dose hormonal birth control, I can see it may take a few months for your body to regulate its menstrual cycle again.
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