The first afternoon of my first period be heavy, but very soon 2.5 months later im getting my second extent and its light

im 14 and got my first interval feb 9 and i had a meadium flow the first year, but now my second one, is really pallid (only a little spot within underwear and only see blood when wiping) i dont know whats usual for me yet but shouldnt it be a short time heavier?


My teanage girl has problem of excess extent and sometime irreguler, Suggestion please?

It is normal for period to be irregular, not just surrounded by length, during the first year.

Your flow can be affected by copious things like diet, exercise, medication, stress, condition, weight loss or gain, etc.

A lot of women start near a really light flow. Some don't. As long as you are have your period on a pretty regular font and aren't experiencing severe pain - don't verbs.

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It will nick time for you periods to return with "normal". Till then your length will go up and down from immense to light. This is how it is for most women.

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