I NEED HELP NOW!!!! I dont know what to do?

Ok I just have sex with my gf abd right past we had sex, I didnt know that she torn a full on the tip of the condom. Well I nutted in her and after we have sex, I took a shower to get primed to see my mother. Well I was within there for something like 25mins and when I got out of the shower, my gf be profit up on the pollow and I was approaching what are you doing, So then she told me that she torn a total on the tip of the condom. And it was a really big integral. enough for plentifully of sprem to get her pregnant. Then she told my that she stole the condom while i be in the shower and she put the condom within her. shes about to start her extent in 2wks and she is ovulating NOW. will she acquire pregnant. After sex she got up could sperm come out of her then? after what I hold said, can she get pregnant? NEED HELP FAST. I DONT WONT TO BE A DAD =( facilitate my plez


Insurance question?

OK. This is adjectives. (Not the part just about her ripping a hole in the condom, but a hole being surrounded by the condom around the time of ovulation.)

If the condom "broke" there is approximately 20%-25% adjectives she could get pregnant if she ovulates.

Most expected, pregnancy won't occur.

However, to reliably prevent pregnancy, hold her call her Gynecologist and ask for Plan-B. If she does not hold a gynecologist, call the local hospital and ask for the Ob/Gyn on phone up and ask him/her for a prescription.

Plan B is birth control which can be taken after sex. It can prevent ovulation, slow fallopian tube motility and make fertilization smaller amount likely. It can also net the uterine lining smaller quantity likely to allow a pregnancy to graft. It won't cause an abortion (disrupt an established pregnancy).

A lot of individuals have concerns almost Plan B because they think it cause abortion, but it doesn't. It prevents pregnancy in a similar attitude to breast-feeding, which is nature's birth control.

If the pharmacy's where on earth you are don't have Plan-B, she can purloin oral contraceptive tablets. (She'll need 5 tablets near 20-microgram ethinyl-estradiol now, after 5 more tablets 12 hours later.) She have up to 72 hours (3 days) after sex to take these. If she have to take birth control, she might also ask for some pills to prevent nausea. You'd hate for her to throw up the prescription.

Good luck.

Doctors!! is my friend being paranoid or could this really begin?

She can get pregnant, standing or jump or anything wont do anything. There is nothing u can do bar forcing her to go and bring Morning After pill.
The way u described it, she requests to get pregnant? Either instrument, all u can do is linger and find out. Its all on her in a minute.

To shave my heard or notthat is the ask (o yea, im 27 years old and balding noticably) Thanx adjectives.?

lets hope it won't happen =you should never own done this in the first place=and why does she want to bring back pregnant anyway

If a girl looses her period when adjectives, does she loose it forever or temproraliy?

Yes, she certainly could win pregnant. There's no guarantee that she will, but there's undeniably no guarantee that she won't. Wow. You two need to confer this over; this is tough.

Can diahhrea be a sign of pregnancy?

sorry but yes she can get pregnant, the likelihood are around 90%
sorry 4 u. i hope she isn't,,,, 4 yr sake

My cousing has not have her period surrounded by 37 days?!?

There are several things she can do to stop the pregnancy at this point. She does need to see a doctor though to achieve access to them and it is her choice.

I sympathise with you that she have done this without discussing it near you. If she wants to take on with the pregnancy at hand's probably not a lot you can do to stop her. Unfortunately, you may obligation legal direction if it gets to that given that this situation could become volatile.

Best of luck.

Doctors appointment tomorrow, and im terrified.?

Alright, if she is older than 18 she can take the morning after pill at the pharmacy (asking for it and showing ID) or doctor. Tell her to take it the sooner the better! Up to 5 days but do it FAST! If she is not over 18, she wants to get to her doctor for the morning after pill or if within needs to be a not to be disclosed mission, go to the Planned Parenthood Center! They will cheerfully take her surrounded by. Please do it fast!


You shouldn't be near a person similar to that !! She is really STUPID! She could get pregnant but at hand is a small chance her stunt don't work ! I hope your lucky this time and it don't work for her !! SO don't ever enjoy sex with her agian!! You can't trust her ! narrate her its over and she can raise her babe-in-arms!! that she took on herself to get ! But really, if she is pergnant subsequent on you can still be a dad , it;s not the babys fault what she done !! But hopefully she's not !!

Why is my time of year late but i still hold menstruation symptoms?

your girl friend is a freak. that is only as bad as mortal raped. you need to pray to God that she is not pregnant and if she isn't RUN!! I become conscious that you don't want any children but if she does get pregnant-don't be another departed beat dad

Just curious?

Holy cow! That be a very sneaky and underhanded point for her to do. Obviously, you can never trust her again. I think it would be surrounded by your best interest to leave her.

Pregnancy at this point is especially possible, however. If she does become pregnant, be there for your child. I don't reflect you should stay with her, but I do believe that you should be a dad to that poor child who have no fault within her dirty, little trick.

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I would pray that it doesn't happen and consequently never see her again. She had no right to do that. She is purely a spider trying to trap you and you don't need someone i.e. so selfish. If she is pregnate I wouldn't want her to be the mother of my child so I would try to take full custody or put the child up for adoption for people who don't put their wishes before others. I'm sorry this she-child put you within this position. I'll pray for the best to come out of this. Just don't marry her if she is pregnate, that will ruin both of your lives and the childs. Marriage is not always the answer to adjectives the problems in the world. Just be near for the child if you decide to preserve it.

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