Does stretch grades do really desappear?


Can a hemophiliac female lose her virginity?

No. There is nought that makes them disappear, they will fade but they will other be present for the rest of your life (trust me i've tried everything on the flea market & nothing have worked.)

I'm on my period and I hold no appetite?

they dont desappear

Are any Ladies out there decipherable with Cists on your breast, my request for information is why do some of us get them?

I'm afraid not..

I am 43 y o, cold & hot @ same time. Infection or menopause?

No, but they fade to a color a touch lighter than your skin.

What and how do they do a mylogram?

nope never!

they are scar tissue...but similar to all scar they will fade out over time

Irregular period?

They fade and sometimes you can't really see them, but they will still be here.

HTH : )

Women please?

No, however plastic surgery will get rid of some. They appropriate a chunk of skin out with the stretch grades, and then stretch (yep) the remaining skin together to sort it look smooth and flawless.

Unfortunately, this is the ONLY way to seize permanently rid of stretch grades in today's world. No amount of lotions or creams will produce them disappear.

Ok i missed a birth control pill, will i start producing eggs right away?

They don't, however, they become lighter through the years.

Does inserting a tampon hurt the first time?

I heard beside some ointment it will be lighter and turn to skin color soon... try in a drug strore...

I only inserted a tampon for the 1st time?

no not even with cream

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