How to deal with date's questions about scars of mine?

So, I used to have a problem beside cutting... five years ago. That time surrounded by my life is done and gone next to, I'm completely different now, but I still hold scars adjectives over my arm. They're quite noticeable when I wear a t-shirt. When people ask just about them, I'll tell my pious friends my story, but anyone else I'll just update them some story ('I fell through a window', 'My cat is a **' etc).

What I'm worried in the region of is that in dating situations, it's a touchy subject. If guy is going to be prominent to me down the line, I don't want to falsehood to him now... so I'll read aloud "I don't really want to talk nearly that now. I'll transmit you later."

But I reflect this creeps guys out- I don't want them jumping to conclusions in the order of me (thinking I'm crazy) when I'm really not, and I don't want to tell them what it is minus the whole story. My question is for guys: would this bother you (me not telling/ or telling)? What would you think?


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Just speak about them that the scars are from a time within your life specifically now over, and be off it at that. Most people adopt that, and understand that it is something personal that you don't want to confer about. Once you procure more serious with them, and quality it is OK to tell them, you can and you won't own lied about it.

I enjoy never had a guy ask me give or take a few my scars. I be actually upset the first time I had sex next to a guy that he would see my scars and be repulsed or something, but he never said a word. I have always thought I would want to have it pitch black surrounded by the room before I would go and get naked, but very soon I am not so nervous anymore.

Your scar will eventually fade, and though they may seem similar to they are still very detectable to you, most people won't even know how to see them.

Is something wrong with me?

I'm 23 immediately. When I was 15 I be cutting. I do enjoy the scars. When I'm asked I articulate I was a dumb teen who cut. I would never do that very soon & I'd prefer to forget about it.
Every guy I've told that to, say "Ok, fair satisfactory." Just remember, we all be dumb & stupid at some point. And every one of us has done things in their life span that their not proud of. Just because you cut when you were younger doesn't kind you crazy or isn't something you should be ashamed of. The important piece is you pull your skipper out of your & stopped. :) Which is a very biddable thing! If any one wishes to argue, point that out to them. Good luck!

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