
A few questions?
1) notify me how much condoms are helpful and awkward?

2)what does it mean to influence " she's a little off" contained by looks?

3)what brand of condoms are most effective?

4)what brand of flavored condoms are the best?


the doctor cant even aid me?

1) Helpful in what sense? To prevent pregnancy and STDs? They are supposedly 97 to 98 percent significant if used properly. However, most people DON'T use condoms properly. When impracticable properly, they are effective nearly 85% of the time (according to Planned Parenthood). Or are you talking roughly speaking helpful within terms of on the increase sexual encounters? That is completely subjective, so I couldn't give an account you. Personally, I didn't like them. Plus, I'm allergic to latex, so my boyfriend can't use most condoms.

2) I've never hear someone refer to a woman as being a short time off contained by looks, just surrounded by mind. It probably means that she's not as attractive as she could be or she have an odd part that makes her somewhat smaller number attractive to the person who is maxim that.

3) Trojans tend to be the most widely sold and preferred. Since the company seems to be doing all right, they can probably put more money into testing, so I'd trust them more.

4) I don't dream up flavored really makes a difference. Latex is latex, and it'll other have that distasteful rubber taste to it. You can try though, but I don't construe it'll really truly help. Try a water-based lubricant instead (DON'T use grease based; it will break the condom).

I repeatedly swing my leg when they are crossed. A friend recently told me that it be a form of mild masturbation

1. they help prevent getting prego, but do not protect from a great deal std's. the can give you infections
2. she's a bit off? way not quite a 10
3. trogen
4. cant answer, wouldnt put condoms surrounded by my mouth.

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