what is the meaning of BMI body max index?


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It is a benchmark of your body weight. it is calculated by dividing the solidity (expressed in kg) by the square of the elevation (meters). With this index you can evaluate if you are too fat or too slim.

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Body Mass Index= substance (in kilograms) / height^2 (in meters). It calculates how margarine you are. Google it, you will find sites that have a BMI calculator.

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The CDC site have a BMI calculator that works in metric or within feet/inches/pounds

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It is body mass index. It is used to gauge the amount or percentage of your body that is composed of flab. They do this using a formula after measuring a few points on your body. These points differ for men and women. They may consider your neck, wrist, and waist for example. After experiencing adjectives the different types of measurement, the simply accurate one in existance is used by the military. The one that general doctors use can be flawed as it does not consider all the factor. It is a shortcut of the military procedure.

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Body Mass Index. It's a round-about way of determining your body corpulent ratio. If your BMI is over a certain number, you're considered overweight or obese. But it's not completely accurate surrounded by most cases. It's determined by weight and rank, but a guy who's 6 feet and weigh 220 sounds like he may be somewhat on the chunky side, but muscle weighs agency more than fat, so he could lately be really ripped. The best way to determine your body cooking oil percentage is to have it done contained by a doctor's office beside calipers. S/he will take measurements of different places on your body and subtract it up that way.

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