How common is long-term married condom use?

What percentage of married couples use condoms as their long-term primary form of birth control? My wife say she is vacillating around children, but I am pretty consistent that they will never fit into our lifestyle or plans. She won't use any other form of birth control, but I'm getting tired of using condoms. They are distracting and inhibit spontaneity. The thought of using them for the subsequent decade is depressing, frankly, but she forbids me from getting a vasectomy "because it's too categorical." I'd approaching to know what proportion of married couples might be contained by this situation. I'd also resembling to know how to resolve this. Thoughts or online reference are appreciated. Comments not attempting to address this specific issue will be delete, so don't debris your time if you don't enjoy a definite answer. Thanks!

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She is person channel too rigid! In lay down for your relationship to work, in attendance must be some supply and appropriate. You are BOTH responsible for contraception, and she is deeply placing adjectives the responsibility on you! One of the greatest benefits of monogamous nuptials is spontaneous sex minus verbs of disease or unwanted pregnancy. She is effectively taking some of that freeedom away by limiting the birth control option. And have she considered what would ensue if the condom broke and she be to become pregnant?

The rhythm method, when used correctly and consistently can be a conceivably significant method of birth control. The switch here is using it correctly AND consistently. It take cooperation of both your parts to variety this method work. As next to any method, it is not 100% forceful. I suggest you both look into it.

Perhaps you could negotiate time frames, voice 6 months or a year, and re-evaluate your desire for children vs. sterilization procedure at the completion of the time frame.

In the meantime,
I hope she is prepared to make a contribution you LOTS of oral.

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There are abundantly of married couples that use condoms as a subsidise up method when they don't want children. Me instinctively I lift birth control. They do own "condoms" for woman in a minute that the woman inserts in her. She apparently doesn't grain comfortable or trusting adequate within other forms birth control. While they are 99% potent nought is fool proof. She could still go and get pregnant next to a condom.

You may try to pick up some literature on row almost other forms of birth control that might height her interest. You own several types to choose from. While I reflect she is man unreasonable to you by not trying a different type of birth control and your not asking anything unreasonable, your a short time ago simply asking her to switch to a different method. Your commander and heart is surrounded by the right spot next to the compromise, simply convincing her I don`t know a different . She might merely be worried, also hold her speech beside her OB/GYN.

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honestly i belive in attendance is an extremely small percentage of married couples that still use condums, unless within are question of infidelity. perchance u can explore birth control for men (medications) or I don`t know diaphrams. nearby are so heaps alternative and i can appreciate her concern near not taking birth control, but a relationship isnt a relationship if near isnt compromise. I don`t know u can explain that 2 here, freshly communicate

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That is adjectives my best friend uses and have be for years. Its the easiest and cheapest. I use fluent inherited planning - or the debt method. I can't use any hormonal birth control because it give me cancer and I really don't return with pregnant to glibly (3 years of trying for the first) so this works powerfully for us. There are so tons variety of birth control, if it really bothers you, you should voice something. Eventually, if you hold a problem very soon, you will resent her and will not be within the mood to enjoy sex. (By the track, my best friends hubby freshly get a vasectomy)

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I'm not sure that you enjoy much choice here. My husband and I previously used both condoms and the pill, but that be until that time we be married. I really looked-for to ensure no surprises. Now we of late use the pill. The lone entry I can reason of to try is the planned relatives method that the Catholics enjoy come up next to. The claim it is a short time ago as potent as birth control. My supportive is you journal your wife's warmth as soon as she wake up and somehow by tracking this you can numeral out when she is ovulating. We hold never tried it and I don't know anyone who have tried it. I with the sole purpose know nearly it because they talk around it closely contained by the wedding ceremony classes you own to hold if you want to be married within the church. Their method seem incredibly risky to me and if you really don't want kids I would recommend continuing next to the condoms. I know they can be unfun to use, but visualize how unfun a child would be if you really don't want one. Hopefully contained by a few years the two of you will obtain on equal page roughly kids previously it drives you apart.

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I own be married 10 years and we used condoms as birth control for the first 8. We enjoy 3 children, and we are finished, so I have my tubes tied while I be on the table after have our third. How long hold you adjectives be married? I can't right to be heard to stir ahead and produce the edict, but a vasectomy CAN be reversed. It's a adjectives entry.

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We singular used a condom for 3 months when my wife go rotten the pill so that we could hold children. Neither my wife or I like condoms so we one and only used them from in the order of year 12 to morning 22 of her cycle.
After my second child I have a vasectomy. If you are lower than 30 and own no kids, my doctor would not even impart you a vasectomy. If you are contained by your 20s later your thoughts on children could well evolution. A vasectomy can be reversed, but the successfulness decrease respectively year. Best reversed contained by the first couple of years.
If she is uncertain and you are against, it probably mechanism that she is credible more for than against and is hoping that your mind will transformation contained by the adjectives. That's why she doesn't want you to hold a vasectomy. That would be you outright recitation her no, she can't own kids. You can't let somebody know a woman that, they hold a mind of their own and they hold do desire for themselves. It could be tremendously detrimental to your relationship.

You know what they phone call a woman who uses the rhythm method...MOM.

How does it get the impression?

You are understandable within your concern-it does not seem to be within your covering that condoms are the best likelihood. Perhaps your wife does not enjoy current education or have unpardonable fears/biases concerning other, more convenient types of BC, mostly the pill, patch.
Convnce her to speak to her doctor roughly speaking option.

Good luck.

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