No more appetite?

Hello everyone, it's 4:20am here xD I can't sleep for some reason unno...

Anyways, I hold noticed that I don't hold a appetite anymore.
I am never hungry, and it all started when I get sick around 2 weeks ago. I don't eat when I am sick, my stomach can't pedal it but I drink LOTS of liquids. I am intake like I do when I am sick ( which is intake hardly anything ) I get in a fracas today with my mom roughly speaking it. She said that I am not hungry on purpose and that she required to take me to the doctors! Why would she come up with that o.O the only point I have agenest my body is that my nail don't grow fast plenty. I have no problem next to my weight nor do I thinking. What could be wrong? Am I still sick? I feel close to I am at 100%, but I am more sleepy during the day, mabie I stay up to unsettled ( it's March break so... :p ) xD.

Anyways anything would help, plus anything I do will turn thought my mom first though, I don't wanna take any risks.


Some info-
I am 5'6 and weigh 120-135 and I am 14.

Can you facilitate with that "time of the month" girl problems?

Start taking the Homeopathic remedy CHINA in 30 potency, partly an hour before meal. Works wonders in giving you a Healthy appetite and excellent digestion. Indicated specifically after disease to make up for the lowliness and to bring up the blood count back to run of the mill. Totally free from side effects or complications of any kind.

Take Care and God Bless You !

How do i cause myself sterile?

It is natural to not have a feeling hungry for short times. You also said that you are suffering from insomnia. I just deem your Mom is worried. Nails not growing fast satisfactory is a concern to you for one reason, but nail not growing could is sometimes a sign of that something is wrong, she may have notice that as well. Nails can be the first detail tale sign that in that could be some illness and adjectives adults have be shown what to look for.

In the old Dr. Kildare movies of the 30's, the nail were other the first thing he checked.

Go to the Doctor as your Mom wishes, he will relieve both your minds. If you want to diet tell you Mom or if you don't want to munch through for some time the Doctor can re-assure your Mom that this can be just a short stage.

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