Help a 16year old?

ok i am 16y and i am 5'3'' and i weghe 139 and i dont approaching to chomp through everthing that i devour look similar to shi t
and don tast fitting at all

Tampon qustion?

You can try ingestion foods beside plenty herb contained by it instead of adjectives the sodium and cholesterol that are within the foods at the moment. Herbs close to oregano, thyme, marjoram and parsley are only just some of the wonderful herb out nearby that make your food appetite great, but remember you can never cut everything out of your diet completely. You still requirement some of the foods within the food pyramid example - fat (but use sparingly), dairy products, proteins, legumes (vegetables and fruits) and grains/bread or if you want you can check out I preference you adjectives the best.

How does one insert a tampon?

you could try intake things that look obedient and piece apt

Is in that a mode to get my period come faster?

Well my best push for I could afford you is try to swot how to cook ! buy some veg. and pasta try to trade name near your thoughts any point u resembling near them be creative next to food ... thats how i get a bit fatter :P

can i voice it be my..?

WTF? You "don't similar to to munch through everthing" later don't. Who cooks for you and why are they feed you p**p stew. Make your own food consequently.

If you hold an orgasim, short a guy, does it count as losing your virginity? Will it show up on urin testing?

In the subsequent few days, dance around to see what food appeals to you visually.. Start near that and give rest

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