How can i gain wieght in 1 week . . .?

hi im going on hols in 1 weeks to portugal and i want to gain wieght as now im a size 0 which is immensely slim and i look silly with my long legs to ( pls dont put chomp through fatty foods cos thats NOT the right way to do it and dont read aloud dont worry roughly speaking your wieght ! ( just serve ?? ( thanks

How often do you do Kegels exercises?

rice (white rice pref for extra carbs)
plentyof eggs
lentils and beans
total milk
fruits such as banana, papaya, grapes, mangoes, and other sweet fruits.
you can try this:
cook the lentil or bean f your choice with some brackish, some sauted potatoes in brackish and pepper and some oregano,
omlette from 2 eggs.
serve with boiled rice.

Feminine put somebody through the mill - be warned?

I doubt you'll gain closely of weight contained by only 1 week, but the healthiest style to gain weight is to excersise. Muscle weigh more than fat and is definately much more well than fat.

Is it still undisruptive for me to take supplements that lose substance for Im a menauposal woman and Im gaining mass?

Try drinking meal replacement drinks i.e. Slimfast or Carnation instant breakfast in between your regular meal? I have a friend near a thyriod problem which makes it extremly concrete for her to gain weight and specifically what her Dr. recommended for her. Good luck!

Help me please?

Right. Fatty foods is NOT the answer. What you want to do is eat plentifully of Carbs. Eat things like bagels and pasta. When you do that you must work out to bulk up. Don't verbs you're not going to look like a huge wrestler it'll freshly put a little substance on. And eat previously you go to bed. That is one of the largest things you'll want to do. Eating fatty foods can just form you sicks and slow your metabolism down. if you want to lose it when you get support, carbs and protein is the way to move about.
Good luck

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