What is the possibility of getting pregnant if a little bit of sperm get inside you?


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the indiscriminate is huge their are millions of sperm in a man its better to use a condom that has spermicidal or the lubricant that have spermicide

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A big fortune. There are MILLIONS of sperm in only a tiny bit of of a man's ejaculate. And it only hold one sperm to get you pregnant. There is also sperm within a man's pre-ejaculate.

If you don't want to get pregnant, afterwards use a condom or get on birth control pills.

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The same as if a great deal of sperm gets surrounded by you. Remember, it only take one little sperm to do it.

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this is ralph's wife speaking.drastically possible.

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its depends on heaps factors but it individual takes one little sperm to craft a pregnancy. but it depends on where surrounded by your cycle you are, how many sperm are contained by the fluid and what good swimmers they are

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99.9% surity if any sperm get near ya vagina it can slickly swim and penatrate the waiting egg, in that only 1 sperm is needed to fertailise the waiting egg, but the timing desires t be right. Are you due to ovuate, or have you gone former the ovualtion day if so okay ya stuffed. There is a big hance this one sperm has penetrated the egg waiting. If you are pergnant i should be more practical next time! if ya man have any respect he would have worn a condom.
First of adjectives wait to see if ya term is late memba if you even come on near is a chance of hasty pregnancy bleedin so dont rule automatically pregnancy out!. if you are late and dont come on or concerened ya up the duff get hold of to the docs to confirm your suspicions but first of all carry a pregnancy test and tryout wether it is positive or negative seize up the doctors for a second opinion.

I hope i help i wish you the best of luck
p.s I am picking up you own a pet dog, or maybe a cat

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Great possibility.

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I know citizens always influence that it only take 1 sperm to get you pregnant, but that's not technically true. A man beside a count of millions of sperm in his semen is considered powerless to conceive (he must have copious 10s of millions of sperm). The reason so heaps are needed is that so many millions die on the method to the egg, which, of course, just 1 penetrates. HOWEVER, if any sperm gets into your vagina, YOU COULD GET PREGNANT. There's simply no way around that. It's so flowing to get pregnant, within fact, that we hold to work hard to NOT draw from pregnant. Also, if you are using withdrawal or some other birth control method close to it the greatest danger that you will go and get pregnant comes from the possibility that the man will not withdraw within time. It's just impossible to know that it will evolve. Some people are also concerned going on for the preejaculate, which comes out during intercourse (or whatever else you're doing) and does contain sperm. It contains deeply few (I'm not sure how many, I believe it's beneath a million), but it is technically possible to get pregnant from it. Finally, if you are newly playing around sexually and some sperm gets departed near the entrance of your vagina or you play next to a toy or fingers and sperm is on them and gets inserted into your vagina, yes within is a chance you could gain pregnant from it. I personally believe it is low, but it of late could! Using a barrier or some other birth control method is the ONLY agency to make sure you don't bring back pregnant (and even that isn't 100%). But it's a lot better than risking take some sperm inside you! Hope that helps.

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Pretty potential. All it takes is one.


big karma

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