Anyone ever hear of the lupron shot? If so has anyone have any of the side affects?


What is the medical term for the thought some women get at the time of ovulation?

If we be to believe the docs and Takeda Abbott Pharmaceutical's fancy marketing literature and website(s), we'd all deliberate Lupron was the greatest entity since sliced bread.

It's not. Side effects of Lupron are potentially extremely negative and long-lasting, and include (as reported by the **manufacturer itself, not those who dislike the drug!**):

Asthenia, General pain, Headache, Hot flashes/sweats, Nausea/vomiting, GI disturbances, Edema, Weight gain/loss, Acne, Hirsutism, Joint disorder, Myalgia, Decreased libido, Depression/emotional lability, Dizziness, Nervousness, Neuromuscular disorders, Paresthesias, Skin reaction at injection site, Breast changes/tenderness/pain, Vaginitis, Flu-like symptoms, Heart palpitations, Syncope, Tachycardia, Appetite changes, Dry mouth, Thirst, Ecchymosis, Lymphadenopathy, Anxiety, Insomnia/Sleep disorders, Delusions, Memory disorder, Personality disorders, Rhinitis, Alopecia, Hair disorder, Nail disorder, Conjunctivitis, Ophthalmologic disorders, Taste perversion, and Dysuria. And that's just a few. Check the prescribing literature or check a PDR for the long roll and talk to others at for more info.

There own also been several lawsuits against TAP, including the largest one in federal history against a pharmaceutical company - $875 million, prosecuted lower than the RICO statutes (racketeer influenced criminal organization) for the kickbacks they give prescribers to give the med to their patients. The payments are STILL ongoing. Unfortunately, while that lawsuit be huge and brought justice, it did not bring sprite to those who are suffering the horrific long-term side effects, because the suits were nearly pricing not side effects. Doctors who tell their patients that "a couple impermanent hot flashes" are as bad as it can carry clearly have no consciousness of Lupron whatsoever.

See also to and talk to thousands of others who enjoy taken the drug. You may also want to read and as well.

Yes, it's true that some nation don't suffer too much and the drug works as intended. But there is a foundation the injections are given to sex offenders as punishment, and it isn't because it's a pleasant drug near no side effects.

Has anyone used "breast actives" or "breast gain plus" before?

Lupron be horrible for me. I had an upset stomach adjectives the time, hot flashes, twitches. It worked as treatment but often I question which was really the mediocre of two evils.

How does vaginal child birth cause stress incontinence in women ? Does it come to pass with C-sections, too ?

I received a lupron injection a couple of months beforehand undergoing an endometrial ablation. This be back at the expiration of 2004. I believe I had some hot flashes afterwards, except that, nothing more.

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