Birth Control and Period Planning; Which of these is the better likelihood?

So I'm going back on the pill for the first time surrounded by years and am trying to avoid having my length a certain week surrounded by August.

I was going for the Sunday start (next Sunday) but my time of year came yesterday (Sat) instead of tomorrow (Mon) when I expected it.
I can any start the pill today which puts my August period exactly when I don't want it - in consequence, I'll just hold two packs rear to back and skip a spell then,
OR I'm thinking more or less waiting till next Sunday to start and using other birth control for the first month.
Which would you do? - I've never tried the two pay for to back and in recent times skip even though a lot of women do it? Has anyone have any weird heated side effects from that?

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I tried skipping a time by taking the two packs wager on to back. It didn't work, and cause a lot of messy side effects that made me longing I'd never tried to mess with it. So, if I be to do it again, I would wait, but I don't know what that could do to you, any.

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Period Planning, it's easier.

I'm a virgin and i be a week late concluding month and i was supposed to bring my period on June 29 and i'm unsettled?

start your pills in 7 days for the first day of your interval.

I have tried everything unconscious but i am not allowed to enjoy sugery or use diet pills pleeez help!!?

You can do the hindmost to back pack of pills and not own any problems with it. There are some docs that cheer patients to do this as they feel it is fine and is a clean thing to do. That be an article in a broadsheet about it a couple of years ago. I would do the final to back pills to avoid your spell.

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I used a couple pack of pills back to hindmost (don't take the sugar pills, start right stale with the subsequent round of regular pills when the last one runs out) and didn't hold any problems. I guess it's up to you how to handle it.

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I skipped the second week (blue and green placebo pills) and it took me forever to get final on my cycle. Expect to have period during your white pills and breakthrough bleeding. I would not do it again as I still do not know when I will get a interval since I am still not back on track, and I did it contained by August '06.

I would wait till subsequent Sunday to start the pills. Hopefully it will get put money on on track before August :)

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Period skipping is fine up to roughly speaking 3 months. Alot of doctors recomend it nowadays and within is even a special birth control pill for it. Of course you can now start taking the pill on ANY light of day of your cycle, it no longer has to be the 'first sunday after your length' as it used to be, of the first day of your spell. Try it which ever way you want, medically both are all right.

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