Birth Control that won't Lower Libido?

I've been on birth control for four years presently. For most of that time I was on Ortho Tri Cyclin or Trinessa. My sex drive have become non-existent, and it's having terribly damaging and difficult effects on my bridal. I hear this problem is more common than "society" would enjoy us believe. Has anybody found any "better" soultions to the Pill kills Libido problem? I hear the Mini Pill can be angelic and supposedly the Neuva ring? Are there any Pill's that own less of a damening effect? Thanks.

Mature those please.?

I totally hear you! Since you are married, may I suggest an alternative? I am assuming that you are responsible and monogamous and if you are both those things, you can use the Fertility Awareness Method (FAM) which is NOT the rhythm method. I read somewhere that if effectively used to NOT get pregnant, FAM have a birth rate similar to the pill. You can also use it to get pregnant too, only have sex during the different times :). The FAM is outlined in Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler MPH.

Anywho, this method uses three ways where to gauge your fertility! I am with the sole purpose fertile 7 out of 32 days of my cycle, a really small amount! The three ways are temp, cervical fluid, and cervix position. You take your temp respectively morning (it takes 1 minute, no longer than taking a pill), and after check out your cervical fluid and perhaps touch your cervix... Anywho, I won't tell you anymore around it, I've rambled ample, but check it out at your local bookstore and get yourself an ovulation thermometer (not a hallucination one) and you'll be in business.

My libido is WAY high not on birth control and I don't feel moody from it any more. I don't suggest this method to only just anyone because you have to be vastly responsible and monogamous. Anywho, good luck, hope this give you a good, non-prescription way out.

Please helpppp!! Pain in my lower abdomen?


My wife is 49 and get extreme migraine headaches. Any planning to help are greatly appreciated!?

Try an IUD.

Does anyone suffer from sciatic discomfort?

Different people respond to different types of birth control surrounded by different ways. For some, the affect on libido is not noticed, while others experience a drastic decline in their libido. Some folks find that by changing birth control methods, they can find one that doesn't hold this negative side effect. Ultimately, however, several people repeatedly vary their birth control pill/method because of side effects.

One possible alternative to hormonal birth control that does not have these side effects is call Natural Family Planning. Although many relatives affiliate this method exclusively with the Catholic Church, it can without a doubt be done by anyone. Studies show that when used correctly, the incidence of pregnancy is comparable to artificial birth control methods (like the pill). It involves periodic prudence if the couple desires to avoid pregnancy, but periodic stinginess is better than the ongoing abstinence you give the impression of being to be experiencing. Many couples also find that this method improves their marriage as well. The divorce rate for couples using NFP is incredibly low, as the intimacy and discipline it requires ends up also requiring the couple to communicate roughly speaking their sex life. One medically substantiated method is call the Creighton Model.

I should note that this is not the "rhythm method" of days gone by. This method is not simply counting days and making a guess. It involves monitoring the woman's biological fertility marker at home to determine if she is fertile or not.

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