Attention anyone who has endometriosis or knows someone who has it, I have a question regarding pain.?

I have endo on the moved out uretur and I think I hold it in my right ovary, my dr put me on depo prevara but the discomfort is getting worse, is there anything else i should be taking? Also how frequent endo patients have be able to own a child, im getting worried

Iam discharging and smells , and it leaves a yellowish stain what could it be?

Female gyns are not necessarily any better than male gyns. The worst experiences I have have for Endo care and treatment be with womanly gyns who were totally rude, utterly underprovided in compassion, and completely incompetent. It's not whether the doc is manly or female that matter, it's whether or not they have the skill and bedside comportment to treat you properly.

Also - Endometriosis is never caused by pelvic inflammatory disease. That is an erroneous statement. The disease should not be confused endometritis, something fundamentally different.

Here are some facts and info about Endo that might abet you better decide which treatment route to hold and help you not to discern so alone (real facts, grounded in science and current research, not outdated wive's tales that positive physicians are still espousing).

#1) There is no absolute cure for Endometriosis - not pregnancy, not hysterectomy, not menopause - BUT near are ways to live well next to it. Telling a patient that their option are to have a hysterectomy or a "prescribed pregnancy" is lately plain bad pills.

#2) The key is to *remove disease, not organs.* Lack of a time of year does not equal cured Endo. Of course the disease will "come back" after superficial surgeries and drug therapies - it be never removed in the first place.

You want to have the Endo removed from ALL locations (and yes, it's possible) within order to have a feeling better. Anything less is only a temporary, stop-gap benchmark.

#3) Studies show time and again that surgical removal through meticulous, advanced excision can alleviate painful symptoms and infertility for the long permanent status, even in stage III and IV patients. For example, one Endo treatment specialty center ( have a better than 50% success rate contained by their stage 4 Endo-related infertility patients, and 75% in their stage III infertility patients, and a better than 80% success rate overall surrounded by all stages for non-recurrence of distress and other symptoms; in some cases, 20 yrs. out.

Again, look for someone who will remove disease, not organs. Get the facilitate of a true specialist, someone who's practice is dedicated to the watchfulness and treatment of women with this disease. Someone who have advanced endoscopic surgery skills, not just some average Joe Gyn who took a weekend laser course and very soon "zaps" Endo in between deliver babies and prescribing Lupron to patients. Someone who understands the sphinx-like, invasive nature of the disease and take it seriously. Help is out there, it's purely sometimes really hard to see through adjectives the BS thrown at us from the medical establishment at large.

See,,, http://www.endometriosistreatm. and for more info and support.

You're not alone. Good luck to you, and find a better doctor worthy of treating you near accuracy and compassion - someone who will assistance you get your natural life back and not force ineffective treatments on you. Feel better.

my mom's vigour. plz help!?

There are alot of endo patients that are competent to manage next to the different infertility treatments. so worry more going on for controlling your pain.
Time to dance to the next step. If the birth control isn't working, time to step up the treatments.. even if that funds removing some of the endometriosis lesions.

Does inflammation hold fluids?

It can be removed! I done up with a hysterectomy produce it spreads. Go see a lady gynocologist and she will relate you. Men don't care or twig and sometimes it is caused by pelvic inflammatory infections due to bygone partners other partner. See a woman OB/GYN

Woman only please!!?

If your distress has become worse since you received your depo shot, I would recommend that you progress back on the pill, if not look for another method of birth control.

I knew a woman who settled to try the depo shot. She wound up having her length for 3 weeks at a time, every month for several months. Needless to say, once it be time for the next depo shot, she asked her doctor to recommend something else.

Can someone serve me please?!?

I have endo as very well as pcos and have have three children. There are many treatments available for fertility. (all of mine be natural, thank god). As far as distress you will have to see your doctor and possibly try another b.c. pill or shot. I was so unpromising at one point I had to enjoy Demerol shots for pain. But it have gotten better with respectively pregnancy. Are you in a position to enjoy children now? If so, that is to say one of your best treatment options. I hold just started on 28 light of day Elise and will no longer get my time. If you are not going to have kids immediately it may be an option for you. Stopping your period all together have worked for me in the recent past. Best of luck to you.

Iv just be looking at something called a Mooncup for ladies on period, what are they like? right, bad?

Ask for some throbbing meds to help the torment like darvocet/ That will assistance a little and it is not a immensely, very strong narcotic. Also they can remove the endometriosis surrounded by laprascopic surgery. That is what they did for me. Sometimes you might not have endometriosis and near could be a problem with the muscles contained by your uterine wall.

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