Period examine..?

i am 14 and i got my fisrt period on dec 8th i have it regular till 6 weeks ago. i got it then and 5 days then it ended. 2 weeks later, it come again, lasting 5 days. i just get it again. two weeeks after last time! whats going on??!?!

Tampon oblige?

You're young. Your body have not found it's "natural rhythm" yet, so things will be sporadic for a while. Don't verbs, it's normal, and will correct itself in time. Just be prepared and save stuff with you all of the time.

Hi press something like Plan B?

hey i totally acquire these random periods liek that once contained by a while. ur just "menustrating" really fast. purely to let you now, if you enjoy this many periods so close, after there might be a month when you don't get your interval at all. but seriously there's nothing rong next to u.

1st Time protected... .. Late time?

This is perfectly normal. It will purloin some time for your body to adjust to the typical 28 day cycle. Sometimes your period might even be a week overdue, though youre NOT pregnant.

Try looking in

I took plan b a week ago.?

its probably normal, my friend have that happen to her from time to time when she's really stressed and such. its just hormones and your body resetting itself. if it happen a few more times like that you should go see your doctor. but for you should be ok

A woman ask in the order of spotting?

Since you just started this is very usual, your problem is that your a moment ago not regular and as you get older and own your period more this will not happen.

I save almost endorsement out?!?!? clearly are going to have irregular periods (maybe for awhile or I don`t know forever). See your doctor..they'll probably put you on birth control pills to regulate your periods.

Is it regular for vagina to burn when u pee the first time after intercourse? ( a condem be used)?

Don't worry, it take about 2 years after you get your first time for it to become a monthly thing. In those two years its regularity can be quite past its sell-by date.

When can i start my birth control pill?

when your young it can happen at anytime
dont conjecture anything is wrong
its fine
itll all get commonplace later on in vivacity =]
-i listened in helth class haha-

To adjectives the women out nearby. if you could shrink me down to 3 inches within echelon? what would you do to me?

contained by the beginning of your period near are a lot of changes going on within your body so your cycle fluxuates! but tell your parent about it as powerfully! they can help!

First term on its method? (GULP) pllzz answerr embarasing grill?

u seem fine but i would discuss to a doctor

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