Have your boobs get bigger by using the pill?

I cant tell, i think mine might newly be swollen, and sore ouchie

Did u notice yours getting any larger?
Do they get smaller when u stop taking the pill?

I'm taking yasmin birth control. When I started my current pack this week, I took the pill on the wrong date.?

Mine didn't seize bigger per se, but they did seem a bit more full. The myth that your breasts get bigger is due to the reality that some women tend to gain a bit of weight when they are on the pill. The pill itself will not cause you to budge up two cup sizes. But if it fills you out a little, hey, great.

As for the soreness, that should stir away soon. If you are still sore after a couple months, talk to your gyno. There are many other pills available that don't enjoy certain side effects.


Yes, the pill makes me puffy adjectives over. Nice for the breasts, not so nice for the rest of my body.

Why do I enjoy so much discharge?

they do get bigger when your on the piill
and do not go down.
but some associates put on weight while on the pill too.
luckily i didnt.
=] x

Anyone (females, of course) ever thieve the "morning after" pill?

Mine went up close to 2 cup sizes on the pill, and within the first month!! But they didn't go down when I come off of it.

It varies for adjectives women. And the soreness goes eventually :o)

How do u know if your prego?

Mine definitely get bigger by one size..the soreness will calm down though

Is this true?

No, my butt and thighs did. :(

What are the hasty signs of pregnancy?

So yeah what the heck is this.lend a hand??!?!?!?!?
Vaginal Discharge... Ladies ONLY, please.?
What is a suitable Make-up routine for a 13 year-old girl?
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